Togo Mission Trip: accommodation of the medical team


🌈🌈🌈 Togo Mission Trip: accommodation of the medical team on the ground at the Tohoun Hospital. The team sleeps in tents. We have one tent for the cook Acoo. 👩🏿‍🍳 She cooks breakfast of omelettes. Lunch: rice and chicken in tomatoes sauce. Dinner: rice and chicken in tomatoes sauce. It’s been the same menu for 7 days now. We are not sure why. It must be the way she feeds us foreigners.
For the local team members she makes other things. I keep telling myself I am going to check out their food but we are so busy I have no time to look. They eat in the cook’s tent. We have one tent with a table to rest from the scorching sun. ☀️☀️☀️It’s very hot here. 100 degrees 🔥🔥🔥the past several days. When I get a picture of what the local team eat I will post them.
The chicken here are so thin. There is hardly any meat. Mostly bones. So for every meals we just get some rice and pour some tomatoes sauce on the rice to eat.
There is absolutely no vegetables or fresh salad to be had.
We work very long days and are so tired at night we just eat some rice with the red tomatoes sauce and catch some sleep.
Life is very simple here in Africa.
It’s so hot during the day, I often have “vision” of an ice cream!!! 🍨
There is a man selling ice cream on a bicycle. He came one day. Dr. Kondrot said everyday at lunch “if the ice cream man comes, I don’t care if the president is on the operating table, call me out I need to eat an ice cream”. He is joking of course. But we all crave a cold ice cream bar in this intense heat of Africa.
We have not had a cold drink for 7 days. There is no ice and no refrigerator.
We all know what we are going to have once we get ourselves back into the United States! For me: a nice big ice cream cone! I will say I have earned it!!!!
We love our work. The people here are so appreciative. They are such loving people. 🧡💛💚❤️
With love from Togo, Africa.

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